Ultra Features: Ultra Stretch & Ultra Flat

Ultra Features: Ultra Stretch & Ultra Flat

Ultra Features: Ultra Stretch & Ultra Flat
Ultra Features: Ultra Stretch & Ultra Flat


Discover our ultra features! EVO Ultra Stretch* Produce fully recyclable packaging films based on PE mono-material. With our EVO Ultra Stretch stretching unit, you can reach a new level with maximum stretching of up to 1:10. Improve the mechanical properties of your film. Achieve the same function as PET films with standard PE films, as an example. Thus you can replace PE/PET with PE/PE mono composites for 100 percent recyclability. *Can also be used as EVO Ultra Flat. EVO Ultra Flat No more bagginess or camber: With our EVO Ultra Flat take-off, you simply produce perfectly flat film - energy-efficient with moderate stretching of a few percent. This speeds up subsequent printing and lamination processes and saves adhesive and printing ink. Ultra Flat Measurement Achieve ideal film flattening easily and quickly. With our automatic flatness measurement you can adjust your EVO Ultra Flat stretching unit comfortably and reproducibly via HMI input. The laser-supported inline measurement reliably determines the measured flatness value and takes over the precise adjustment of all parameters
Plastics raw materials and technology
Extrusion technology
Packaging materials and technology
Packaging materials, packaging means, packaging aids

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